

アメリカ便り「チョコレート工場見学!」〜Report from America "the Tour of Chocolate Factory"〜

Last Wednesday and Saturday, I went to Fremont to join the tour of Theo chocolate factory :)先週水曜日と土曜日には、テオのチョコレート工場見学に参加しにフリーモントまで行ってきました(*^^*) At the first time, I went to there alone on a whim…

アメリカ便り「日本のカレー」〜Report from America "Japanese Style Curry"

By my husband's request as always.いつもの如く、旦那様のリクエストにより。 I told him I ate leftover curry when he had gone out for the party, and it was really good. That's why he was dying to eat Japanese style curry actually.私が、彼が…

アメリカ便り「染色体験!」~Eport from America " Dyeing Trial"

I had an experience of dyeing trial of the spring fest of Cascadia college.先日のカスケイディア大学の春祭りで染色体験をしました!I looked sample pictures of the techniques, and used two kinds of them. I used many colors, it became kind lik…

アメリカ便り「春祭り2日目!」〜Report from America " the Second Day of Spring Fest"

Today was the second day of Spring Fest of Cascadia College.今日はカスケイディア大学の春祭り2日目!I invited my friend to the event this time. She is my last quarter's classmate and one of my best friends in here, and is good at dancing.私…

アメリカ便り「セールセールセール!」〜Report from America "Sale Sale Sale!!!"

The story dates back to the beginning of this month, I had gone to Seattle with my husband on May 7th Sat.話は今月初めに遡り、5月7日(土)旦那様と一緒にシアトルへ行ってきました。 The most of our purposes was checking the book sale of Sea…

アメリカ便り「航空祭!」~Report from America " Aviation Day of Pain Field in Mukilteo"

Yesterday, May 21th. There was the Aviation Day event of Pain Field of Mukilteo, which is held once every year.昨日、5月21日。マカティオにあるペインフィールドで年に一度開催される航空祭がありました。 Actually my husband had been there last …

ブーランジェリーハシコ@アメリカにて奮闘中☆洋梨タルト〜boulangerie HASHIKO@ During Strenuous Efforts in the US ☆ "Pear Tart"

I found packed pears of clearance on the other day. I immediately had brainstorms to make compote of pear using white wine. 先日、見切り品で袋詰めの梨を見つけ、私は直ぐに白ワインコンポートにすることを思いつきました。 Actually I was wonderi…

アメリカ便り「春の学祭?!」〜Report from America " Spring Fest of the College"

May 19th, today and next Thursday are Spring fest of Cascadia College.5月19日(木)、今日と来週木曜日はカスケイディア大学の春祭り! We could try or enjoy a lot of things in a free.私たちは無料で色々と楽しむことができます♪ There were lots of …

アメリカ便り「レーヴンワース春のお祭り☆その2」~Report from America " Mayfest of Leavenworth Vol.2"

Love Leavenworth!!! Vol.2レーヴンワース大好き!!! その2 The second day. 二日目。 We, particularly my husband woke up in the mid morning. When we got ready, breakfast buffet had been already finished. But that was OK because we were stil…


http://www.j-cast.com/2016/05/16266953.html キチンと主婦を務めている人なら、 四六時中家の事を気にかけて、何をするにも家族の事を考えて、自分の事は後回しになってしまうことも多い。 ずっと次のご飯のことを気にかけていないといけない。 家事は終わ…

アメリカ便り「レーブンワース春のお祭り☆その1」~Report from America "May Fest of Leavenworth vol.1"

Love Leavenworth!!!The last weekend was the May Fest of Leavenworth, the German city of Washington State.先週末はワシントン州のドイツ村、レーヴンワースへ行ってきました。 I had been planning to go there on the days for a long time. Because …

アメリカ便り「5月10日」~Report from America "5/10"〜

On May 10th, it was Kodiak's birthday, who(it?) is a mascot of Cascadia College. We had a celebration party at the outside, and there were a lots of free food we could eat as we like.It was really a nice day, there was all blue sky, I had …

アメリカ便り[ブーランジェリーハシコ@奮闘中!]「ベーキングレポート」〜Report from America[boulangerie HASHIKO@Under strenuous efforts]"Recent Report"〜

Baking Report.お菓子作りレポート! Recently I'm usually busy and tired, so I couldn't bake something as always.最近、大体バタバタとしていて疲れてばかりなので、いつものように何かを作ることが出来ずにいました。 But actually I had occasionally…

アメリカ便り「母の日」〜Report from America "Mother's Day"

Happy Mother's Day!!!母の日おめでとう!It's still one day earlier around Seattle, but in my home country, Japan it is already on the Second Sunday of May.シアトル周辺ではまだ一日早いですが、私の母国日本では既に5月の第二日曜日。IIn the tal…

アメリカ便り「ライダーズミーティング!」〜Report from America "The Meeting of Riders!!"

On this Thursday, after having the beautiful dessert, I enjoyed the view of Fremont while walking to the bus stop. I liked the town!この木曜日、おいしーいデザートをいただいた後に、バス停まで行き道すがらフリーモントの街並みを楽しませてもら…

アメリカ便り「夢リスト」〜Report from America "Bucket Lists"

Do you know the word "Bucket List"? It means the dreams who want to fulfill before dying. I knew this word in the idiom learning of the ESL class on this Tuesday.皆さん、「バケツリスト」って言葉を知っていますか? この言葉は死ぬまでに叶えた…

アメリカ便り「ご近所散歩」〜Report from America "Walk around Neighborhood"

On this Saturday, I had been sleeping until 9am, but my husband already went to Martha Lake for fishing, so I made sandwiches and also went to the lake he was at. この土曜日には、朝の9時頃まで 寝ちゃっていました。でも、旦那様はその時すで…

アメリカ便り「シアトル散歩」〜Report from America "Walk around Seattle"

Yesterday, on this Friday, I went to Mountlake terrace library in the first time in the past two week.I still like the TalkTime! It was fun as always.昨日、金曜日には二週間ぶりにモントレイクテラス図書館へ行ってきました。やっぱり、ここのト…