

アメリカ便り「インドな送別会」〜Report from America "Indian Farewell Party"

I almost forgot to post the events of day-to-day, so I was like busy this weekdays. So I want to post this week's events one by one from now on.今週の平日はなんだか忙しかったので、日々の出来事を投稿することを忘れてしまっていました。 なので…

アメリカ便り「ロッジのダッチオーブン♪」~Report from America "Dutch Oven of Lodge"

Last weekend, my husband bought me a beautiful Dutch Oven of Lodge.先週末、旦那様がロッジ(アウトドア向けが発祥の有名な調理鍋メーカー)のダッチオーブンを買ってくれました! I said I should make ribs stew like immediately, and I just waited …

アメリカ便り「地球の日」〜Report from America " The Earth Day"

4/22/2016 Sat.Thank you for wonderful Earth Day!!!この素晴らしい「地球の日(アースデー)」に感謝!!! Yesterday, I went to JC penny in Alderwood mall to buy kitchen appliances in special prices.昨日ら私は特別価格のキッチン電化をゲットする…


http://next.rikunabi.com/journal/entry/20160421_1 この映画大好きです。去年末に、日本語が恋しくて邦画ばかりをyoutubeで見漁っていた時に出会いました(ちなみに今は英語の映画ばっかり見漁っていますw)。子供の頃の私を思い出して何かグッと胸にくる…

アメリカ便り「チャンス到来?!」〜Report from America "the opportunity has come?!"〜

Oh, so good days were yesterday and today!!あー!なんて素敵な昨日今日!! Yesterday, I went to the college, took a class of ESL, and joined the world language cafe, a conversation club of the college.昨日は、大学に行ってESLを受講し、大学のお…

アメリカ便り「何気無い私の日常」〜Report from America "My Everyday Things"〜

4/18/2016 Mon.There was so hot today! It was like summer.2016年4月18日、月曜日。もうこちらは何処もかしこも真夏日でめちゃくちゃ暑い! I went to Bothell library to join the TalkTime as always today, and when I through the entrance, I coincid…

アメリカ便り「春の味覚」〜Report from America "Taste of Spring Season"

4/15/2016(US)※ First, I considered about continuing to post at a time like this (while terrible earthquakes have come and attacked Kyushu, Japan again and again), but finally I decided to post as always. I think that I would deliver the go…


以下、取り急ぎにて。 朝支度をバタバタした後、カレッジに向かい授業を受けて…その休憩時間に地震速報に気が付きました。旦那様もよっぽど心配だったのか、仕事中にも関わらず「熊本で地震があったらしい!」と私にメッセージを送ってきていました。九州、…

アメリカ便り「風邪をひく…」~Report from America "Catching a Cold"

OMG!!!I have been considering "which is the cause of my deconditioning, a cold or hay fever?" (the photo of cedar pollen which had been falling onto a tree; I took last Sunday.)なんてこったー!この体調不良の原因は風邪なのか花粉症なのかと考…

アメリカ便り「旦那様は漁師?その2」Report from America---4/10/2016☆My husband's fisherman life?Part 2 〜Going to Lavender Lake!〜

Yesterday, my husband and I went to Lavender Lake, small artificial lake, along Yakima river, and three miles east of Lake Easton State Park, because he heard that trout have been released in the lake last Friday.昨日、旦那様と私は、ヤキマ…

アメリカ便り「チューリップフェスティバル!」~Report from America "Tulip Festival!!"

4/9/2016☆Go to Skagit Valley Tulip Festival!!!スカジットバレイ•チューリップフェスティバルへ!Yesterday, my husband took me to Skagit Valley to see the tulip festival. The location is almost 1 hour away to north from Seattle by a car. Durin…

アメリカ便り「うちの旦那様のお仕事☆トラウト解禁!」〜Report from America " My Husband's Works☆Trout Has been Lifted!"

This time, I would like to introduce my husband's works, fishing results and beautiful handmade dishes!今回は、私の旦那様の釣果と美味しい手料理を紹介させていただきます! He has restarted his hobby, fishing from the middle of this March in …

アメリカ便り「ブーランジェリーはしこ@たまにはのんびり」〜Report from America "Boulangerie HASHIKO@Take a Rest, Spend at will〜

http://cookpad.com/recipe/3791708#share_urlI posted my recipe on COOKPAD after a long time. I changed the recipe I found other day, more easy to make for Japanese baking lovers. Please check it!久しぶりにクックパッドにレシピを投稿しました…

アメリカ便り「つくし」~Report from America "horsetail"〜

本日、夜も遅いため、快適な眠りのために、無駄に頭を活性化させないために日本語のみで投稿(´・×・`) 「一日一回のペースで英文投稿を書く!」というノルマを課しているのに情けなや、、、。でも、たまには甘えさせてください(笑) さて、本日の晩御飯。ここ数…

アメリカ便り〜Report from America "Amazon Books"

Unusually, I had a date with my husband today❤️ This morning, I made sandwiches using homemade jalapeño pickles made by my husband. Soup was used Awaji onion soup stock; all of Hyogo people likes it (I think). We were satisfied.今日は珍し…

アメリカ便り〜Report from America "Downtown Seattle Under Ground Tour!"〜

Last Wednesday, 3/23, I went to Seattle downtown with my new friend whom I met the TalkTime in Bothell library.先週の水曜日、3月23日、私はボセル図書館のトークタイムで知り合った友人とシアトルダウンタウンへ行ってきました。 I wanted to go The…

アメリカ便り〜Report from America "Swing Dance!"〜

Today was also a pretty nice day!In the morning, I went to Mount Terrace Library to join to the TalkTime. I also had a teatime with the teacher and members after it.今日はとっても良い日でした! 午前中はモントレイクテラス図書館のトークタイ…

アメリカ便り〜Report from America "Now Spring-cherry blossoms-"

Now spring, there are a lot of cherry blossoms here. They have began to bloom from the first of this month, and also we can see many kinds of cherry trees, so can enjoy watching the blossoms during a long time, probably until the middle of…