
アメリカ便り「旦那様は漁師?その2」Report from America---4/10/2016☆My husband's fisherman life?Part 2 〜Going to Lavender Lake!〜

Yesterday, my husband and I went to Lavender Lake, small artificial lake, along Yakima river, and three miles east of Lake Easton State Park, because he heard that trout have been released in the lake last Friday.


We left home about quarter time past 5.am, and directory went there. It took about 1 and half hours, we saw the sunrise from behind the mountains, and the mountains lit by the sun.
We arrived the lake before the sunrise had finished, and saw two men and an old couple already had been fishing there.


↑Our breakfast and lunch with leftovers. A sandwich was already took by him.

My husband started fishing in a hurry, but everyone was not able to catch trout easily, and finally they left the lake, except us and a man. And then some new fishermen came, a group were with a little girl (surprisingly, she also did fishing!)


There was an elder man just the side of us, the fisherman who took trout easily was only him at that time. Others had not yet fished, some people gave up fishing, and left there.
But......my husband was really a gambler, he had never given up getting trout, and still stayed the lake then a long time.



Few hours pasted, the elder man suddenly saw us, and said "Do you need this trout? I like just taking, so I give you this!"
We were quite surprised, and took his trout happily. I worry "did he really like only catching?" Probably he gave us his works because he felt sorry for us staying for the long hours.


We get two trouts from the man, but my husband didn't finish fishing because he wanted to get it himself.


It pasted almost 6 hours.......And then! He finally caught a trout!! We had never known that trout have a lunch time, and become active at around the noon.


By the evidence, more many fishermen came there in the afternoon.
About half hour later, husband caught a trout again, and then trout had no longer come again. He was slightly gave up, and began cleaning trouts, and as soon as he began cleaning, suddenly a rod was ring a bell!


Because he wasn't able to go immediately, he asked me to wind a reel. I took the rod in a hurry, but the reel had become heavy to wind even though the trout was not big too much. After fighting for a while, I caught a trout by myself!!! It was amazing because I was super beginner of fishing.


He still stayed the lake more, but was not able to catch anymore.


We stayed the lake whopping almost 9 hours!


Then we had snack at Taco Bell on the way home, because we didn't have enough meals from the morning.


After returning home, he made salt-grilled trout using the trout given from the man , and butterflied fish using his works.
The grilled trout was delicious as always even if it had little taste of mud.


By the way, I also enjoyed looking great view of the nature.
There was a location I wanted go there one hour away from the lake, but I was not able to go there this time because I was addicted to fishing as well!


I wanna go the location next time! :)
